The Ecosystem Restoration Communities are supported by Stichting Ecosystem Restoration Foundation (St. E.R.F.) in the Netherlands. This non-profit foundation is supported by donors from over 30 countries around the world. In 2017 we supported the establishment of ecosystem restoration Camp Altiplano. Today we provide support to restoration communities on every continent, and continue to grow.


We help restoration communities around the world fund aspects of their work through our fundraising, including supporting the development of joint funding proposals. For the communities we help bridge their resource gap. For you, we give you access to vetted restoration communities that manage your donations without expensive and unnecessary project/programme costs. This way, donations to ERC reach the real change-makers on the ground.

Knowledge exchange & education

Our free digital Knowledge Exchange platform allows information and tools for ecosystem restoration to be shared easily. This makes knowledge accessible to all, including those who did not have the relevant education - usually those people living in degraded lands who need it the most. We also offer ongoing education for restoration communities to help them learn effective techniques.

Storytelling & communications

We share the stories of the restoration communities, inspire new projects to start, and show people how they can join the effort, providing inspiration for mass action. Our communications and outreach work is vital in catalysing a global movement in ecosystem restoration.

Monitoring & evaluation

Through collaboration and continuous iteration, we work with simple but robust monitoring toolkits to assess the impact of ecosystem restoration communities locally and globally. The ERC soil framework includes ecological indicators and cost-effective methodologies inspired in citizen science. The ERC soul & society framework was designed to assess how restoration affects people’s attitudes and behaviour, alongside changes at the level of local communities, economies, and broader society.

Volunteer facilitation

Through the ERC Restoration Project Finder Platform, we facilitate the participation of volunteers in the movement, giving the restoration communities access to a growing community of potential local and global earth restorers ready to help them accomplish their goals.


We partner with other global organisations, corporate entities, institutional donors and philanthropists who share our passion for earth restoration. Our partnerships help create new opportunities for the Ecosystem Restoration Communities to do their work on the ground. In 2020 we became an official supporting partner of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration and we're working with the United Nations to make this decade a success.
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Teryl ChapelERC Virsoleil, France
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I really like the idea of being part of a network and a movement that is worldwide. We're so inspired by so many of the camps around the world. Everybody's got different challenges and slightly different terrain and soil and climate, but we are all solving the challenges through the intention to heal and really restore and regenerate the planet.
Neeraj KumarERC Khetee, India
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Being part of Ecosystem Restoration Communities has always been inspiring, and working with you has been very productive, especially in the recent exchanges. Thank you for your time and effort guiding us and coordinating the work through these years.
Yani Amores DuttaERC The Regenesis Project, Philippines
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We are so grateful to the ERC movement for working so hard to support (and sometimes anticipate in advance) our needs and the work that we need to do. We would not have gotten this far if not for the tools, resources, and support provided by everyone in the team, and if not for the climate of hope, inspiration, and positive action created by the entire ERC network.
Leo LauchereEcocamp Coyote, California USA
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We're glad to be part of the Ecosystem Restoration Communities network because of the solidarity we've experienced with the ERC team, the community of earth restorers and other ERCs. What a pleasure it is to get our hands dirty together healing the Earth and ourselves!
Maged El SaidERC Habiba Community, Egypt
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We are grateful to ERC team for the support to regenerate and regreen the Sinai.
Ronald KaboyeERC Human Nature Projects, Uganda
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I am so grateful, and thank you that we're doing this together.

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