We work with key education partners to design online and in person courses for worldwide audiences, to empower everyday people and give them the chance to become ecosystem restoration practitioners. Learn from experts about all things Ecology, Ecosystem Restoration, Regenerative Agriculture and Rewilding. Gain an understanding of how our ecosystems work, and be empowered to take action to restore them back to health and vitality.

The Rewilding Training

An 8-month learning journey that will take you from a curiosity about rewilding to having the confidence, knowledge, skills, ability and contacts to be able to rewild your own site, or another landowner's. From rewilding a garden to your life as a whole, this course covers it all.

Curso Integral de Restauración de Ecosistemas

This first hybrid ecosystem restoration course is an 8-month program presented by Camp Altiplano (Spain) in collaboration with ERC and Regeneration Academy. The course, presented in Spanish, includes 7 online modules taught by local experts, and 1 week in-person, onsite training.

Becoming a Regenerative Farmer Training

Presented in partnership with Henbant Permaculture in Wales, this eight-module, blended course offers an extensive learning journey taught by the top thinkers and doers in the world of regenerative agriculture in the UK and across the world. Starts 10 March 2025!

Introduction to Ecosystem Restoration

Designed in partnership with Soil Food Web School this course will give you a strong foundational knowledge of the science and practice of Ecology, Ecological Restoration and Ecosystem Restoration.

The Ecosystem Restoration Knowledge Hub

Developed with support from Zendesk to facilitate peer-to-peer knowledge exchange and collaboration, this platform is accessible to all and offers a tailor made library of articles & videos about earth regeneration in its myriad forms.

The Roadmap Training

A learning journey for people and projects that would like to become an Ecosystem Restoration Community. From registering a legal entity, to finding land, creating a team, fundraising, creating income streams and everything in between.

Which course is right for me?​

The Rewilding Training course is the UK’s first in-depth, rewilding training programme. The course is aimed at people with an interest in rewilding but don’t know how to get there, or those who are already rewilding and want to deepen their knowledge. It is also ideal for land advisors looking to advise farmers on rewilding. Participants may already have land, want to acquire land or have access to a neighbour’s land. This is blended course, so the curriculum comprises online learning as well as two residential sessions at Embercombe in Devon. The course content and context make this course suitable for people living in Britain.

The Curso Integral de Restauración de Ecosistemas is the first of its kind in Spain to train people – both theoretically, online, and practically, onsite – how to restore Spain’s ecosystems, which are in dire need of repair. Taught by the top thinkers and doers across the country who are working in Ecosystem Restoration, this training will equip you with everything that you need to go out and start restoring ecosystems. Gain access to expertise in not only how to do the restoration work, but how to find and access land, how to make a living from restoration, and connecting you with a supportive community of other people who are on the same mission. The course will be taught in Spanish.

The Becoming a Regenerative Farmer Training provides inside knowledge of some of the UK’s leading regenerative farming systems, to gain a much deeper understanding of how nature and ecosystems function so you can transform your own little patch of land into a productive, alive and beautifully biodiverse farm. 

The Introduction to Ecosystem Restoration course focuses more deeply on the fundamentals of the science of ecology and ecosystem restoration, getting into the details on how ecosystems function, and is mainly taught by Paul Morris – an expert in the fields of botany, ecosystem restoration and regenerative farmingThis course is a gateway course that will give you the foundational understanding of restoration needed to delve deeper into a specific ecosystem to learn how to restore it.

The Roadmap Training is a 12-part learning journey for those interested in becoming an Ecosystem Restoration Community, but don’t know where to begin – or still have some preparation to do before applying to join the movement. The Foundation team takes you through everything you need to know to find your way and succeed!