Kwale Ecoremediation, Kenya
Kwale Ecoremediation covers three sub-counties of Kwale including Kinango, Shimba Hills and Lunga Lunga.
Discover Kwale Ecoremediation, Kenya

Overview & Impact

Kwale Ecoremediation covers three sub-counties of Kwale including Kinango, Shimba Hills and Lunga Lunga. The current state of degradation is dire, due to deforestation, destructive agricultural practices, and extractive activities including quarrying. Forest and overall tree cover has drastically declined, agricultural lands have become less productive, livelihoods continue to be disrupted, and water sources are impacted. Infrequent rain is becoming more common and water has become extremely scarce. Agriculture, the mainstay of communities in the area can no longer sustain the households relying on it for their livelihoods, which is bearing the biggest burden on women and children.

This initiative seeks to undertake restoration primarily through agroforestry in degraded landscapes to enhance the livelihoods of these communities which will increase tree canopies, and improve soil structure. This in turn will enhance land productivity, reduce further degradation by reducing stress on forest resources for livelihoods, and reduce further degradation of agricultural land resulting from exposed bare lands while improving both surface and sub-surface water systems.

Kwale Ecoremediation began in earnest with plans for the restoration of up to 10,000ha of forest and agricultural landscapes. The plan embodies concerted and sustained efforts towards influencing immediate shift in the local mentality from single-crop farming to a mixed farming system by growing perennial trees, fruit trees, vegetables, and pulses and by rainwater harvesting and storage. The Kwale Ecoremediation initiative seeks to engage with smallholder farmer households and help them increase income streams from diverse agriculture, increased tree and forest cover, and replenishment of degraded soils, which activated culturally embedded community-led protection of the forests. As a result, over 10,000 ha of degraded land has been identified for restoration, and with the improvement and transformation of the livelihoods of at least 32,000 households in the target communities.

Achievements & Partners

Kwale Ecoremediation has successfully marshalled the collaboration of key local actors in restoration efforts, by ensuring key stakeholders including government departments, communities through key local community structures, as well as other non-state actors rally their support towards the restoration of at least 10,000 ha of degraded landscapes, and the improvement of income streams for at least 32,000 households. Such collaborations include the Kenya Forest Services, the Department of Environment and the National Environment Management Authority, the Kwale County Natural Resources Network CBO, the Community Forest Associations, Women, Youth & Self-Help Groups, among others.


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