Habiba Community, Egypt
Habiba Community is a bottom-up ecosystem restoration community in the Sinai Peninsula, on the shores of the Red Sea.
Discover Habiba Community, Egypt

Overview & Impact

Habiba Community combines education and work in permaculture and restoration of the natural system with a very pleasant place to stay. Habiba Community is a beach-front resort/permaculture training center with plenty of opportunities to relax, as well as work with the local farmers on ecosystem restoration and on strengthening regenerative agricultural techniques in the region. Habiba Community wants to help build a strong and healthy community in the Southern Sinai Region in Egypt. Climate change has reduced the rainfall significantly, reducing the ability of local nomadic peoples from maintaining the livestock. Through restoration of this region, together with the other efforts underway to restore ecosystems in the Sinai desert, Habiba Community will support efforts to reverse the current trends resulting in more droughts and further desertification. Habiba Community is working with local Bedouin farmers on ecosystem restoration and on strengthening regenerative agricultural techniques in the region. Through this, they hope to stop erosion and further desertification, and rebuild local livelihoods based on healthy ecosystems.


Habiba Community is a bottom-up initiative in the Sinai, on the shores of the Red Sea. It runs unique projects through which it aims at promoting environmental solutions to regenerate the land, enhance biodiversity, guarantee food and water security, improve the resilience of the indigenous community, and, ultimately, make the Sinai desert green again. The story began in 1992, when Maged El Said became inspired by the natural beauty of the South Sinai landscape. Since the Organic Farm was established in 2007, Habiba has helped local communities introduce regenerative agricultural techniques, stop erosion and further desertification, while rebuilding local livelihoods based on healthy ecosystems. Habiba’s vision and mission is to encourage regenerative practices and spread a sustainable development model the region. Maged and his family, along with their dedicated team, are determined to create a balanced life for the Bedouin communities in the Sinai by creating an alternative method based on an interdisciplinary approach to raise the community’s social awareness toward the environment, agriculture, and responsible tourism.

Achievements & Partners

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Activities that need your support ​

Compost making
Water retention
Tree planting
Food growing
Erosion control
Soil building
Cover cropping
Habitat creation
Community building
Restoration of livelihoods
Regenerative entrepreneurialism
Natural building
Educational courses and experiences

Facilities on site

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