Greenpop is a non-profit organisation working to restore ecosystems and empower environmental stewards through reforestation, urban greening, sustainable development, and environmental art projects across Sub-Saharan Africa. Greenpop aims to partner with and contribute to the many local environmental and social initiatives and be part of an environmental solution, while also teaching skills and lessons that are relevant across the globe – sharing and learning in a place that highlights some of the challenges that our planet faces as a whole. Greenpop hosts the wildly popular Reforest Fest in April each year.
The Greenpop annual Reforest Fest is contributing towards the creation of an ecological corridor between the Platbos Forest Reserve and the Grootbos Nature Reserve. Since 2010 Greenpop has planted over 100,000 trees in the Platbos Forest Reserve. Most of this land, situated in the Overberg Region of South Africa’s Western Cape Province, was once a coastal sand forest. Today the land is mostly degraded agricultural land. Greenpop is working with Bodhi Khaya Retreat to reforest the land through alien invasive plant management and active planting of indigenous tree seedlings. This is the home to the Cape Mountain Leopard, Honey Badger and numerous other critically endangered species due to loss of habitat. Greenpop’s restoration work is expanding these habitats to give these keystone species a fighting chance of surviving into the future. Additionally, some of the trees of this Southernmost forest are over 1,000 years and represent the old growth matriarchs of biodiversity. The protection of these trees and the legacy they hold is critical to our human existence and the resilience we have in overcoming biodiversity loss and climate change.
Since 2010 Greenpop has planted over 200,000 trees and inspired over 356,000 active citizens across South Africa, Zambia, Malawi, and Tanzania, through forest reforestation, urban greening, food gardening and environmental awareness.
Compost making
Water retention
Tree planting
Food growing
Erosion control
Soil building
Fire prevention
Restoration of livelihoods
Regenerative entrepreneurialism
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