Financial figures

Here are the published quarterly and year-to-date financials of ERC USA Inc. These figures do not cover the individual budgets of each community. Restoration communities also have their own fundraising. Below, you will find the amount ERC USA has donated to the communities. ERC USA aims to have 85% of the raised funds go directly to communities by 2029, with the balance of 15% allocated to support services provided by the foundation. 


Income is received through individual supporters, institutional donors (such as philanthropic foundations and governmental subsidies), and corporate sponsorships


Our expenditure is divided into four categories: 

  • Communities Support: Money spent at the foundations to support communities, such as resource development and supporting joint fundraising. 
  • Direct support to communities: Money channelled through the foundations to communities.
  • Knowledge Exchange and Education: Costs incurred on the ERC Knowledge Exchange Platform and our educational offering, including dedicated staff-costs. 
  • Overheads: Costs incurred outside the above categories, such as salaries of the directors, fundraising, general IT costs, office and travel costs, bank and payment-service provider costs, and finally accountancy and bookkeeping costs. 

Annual Reports