King’s Garden musical theater with summer birds, Netherlands



Saturday 27 May 2023


Come along and enjoy a beautiful morning concert in the orchard, with sax player Frank Nielander and harpist Beate Loonstra who play their own compositions, as well as compositions inspired by birth song and poetry. They will be using modern methods that support these compositions with soundscapes. Of course accompanied by the birds of the orchard.

This concert a project of ERC King’s Garden, in which they create biodiverse orchards, with the icterine warbler as a symbol. The morning concert will be held in the picturesque orchard of one of our restoration sites in Easterwierrum.

Entrance is based on donations.

Bring your own (folding) chair!

Location: Easterwierrum, Greidhoeke, Friesland

Click here to register to attend

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