SuBeHuDe, Tanzania
SuBeHuDe is restoring degraded ecosystems to address social and economic issues in the community of Nyamalogo Village in the Shinyanga region in Tanzania, while simultaneously increasing climate resilience and local biodiversity.
Discover SuBeHuDe, Tanzania

Overview & Impact

SuBeHuDe (Sustainable Beekeeping and Human Development) is restoring degraded ecological ecosystems and building local climate resilience through regenerative agriculture (permaculture, agroecology and agroforestry), sustainable beekeeping practices, forest and landscape rehabilitation, biodiversity conservation, and the management of water and other natural resources.

Training is provided to the local community on sustainable beekeeping practices and beekeeping value chain development to help build social enterprises and social entrepreneurship. SuBeHuDe also promotes regenerative agriculture as a way of increasing the earning capacity of farming families and the entire community.  Through Trees for Bees they are planting trees and also introducing Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) – a low-cost, sustainable land restoration technique used to combat poverty and hunger amongst poor subsistence farmers by increasing food and timber production. SuBeHuDe is striving to train smallholder farmers in regenerative agriculture as a more sustainable farming method, and also connect them to carbon finance initiatives. Their approach is to combine the latest technology with traditional on-the-ground networking to deliver a positive impact on a rapidly expanding scale across Tanzania.

Achievements & Partners

SuBeHuDe initially started with restoring 10ha of degraded agriculture landscapes in Nyamalogo village, located in the Nyamalogo ward of Shinyanga District Council in Tanzania’s Shinyanga region. They have steadily grown and scaled out their impact to now include four villages in the Nyamalogo ward as well as across the Shinyanga District Council and all of Tanzania’s arid and semi-arid lands (ASAL).

They have distributed and planted 100,000 trees in four villages of Nyamalogo ward under the Trees for Bees initiative; created 100,000 greener jobs and decent work for youth and women; trained 20,000+ local community in sustainable beekeeping and its value chain; empowered 3,000+ vulnerable and marginalized community members; established 15+ family beekeeping projects; trained 273+ gardeners, smallholder farmers and communities in practical Permaculture Designing (PDC); constructed 255+ transitional beehives; and distributed 1,532 beehives to families or community beekeeping projects.

SuBeHuDe has also planted 100,000+ trees across Tanzania under the Healing Trees global initiative; trained 70 youth and women in Api-preneurship; trained 45 youth and women in solar cooking science; trained more than 55 new and experienced beekeepers; and inspired, engaged and trained 504 youth and women in sustainable beekeeping practices.

SuBeHuDe works in partnership with the New Wash Burn Foundation, SET Youth I, EPT, Institute of Rural Development and Planning, Tanzania forest Services, Ginkyo Foundation, Basic Internet Foundation, Regenerative Agriculture International, Global Evergreening Alliance, Just Rural Transition, Africa Aid Project, and the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.

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Activities that need your support ​

Compost making
Water retention
Tree planting
Food growing
Erosion control
Soil building
Cover cropping
Habitat creation
Community building
Restoration of livelihoods
Regenerative entrepreneurialism
Natural building

Facilities on site

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