ReForest Now, Australia
ReForest Now works in the iconic subtropical region of Australia, primarily in the Byron Shire of Northern New South Wales, where they are working to restore remnant rainforests and cleared rainforest areas.
Discover ReForest Now, Australia

Overview & Impact

ReForest Now works in the iconic subtropical region of Australia, primarily in the Byron Shire of Northern New South Wales, where they are working to restore remnant rainforests and cleared rainforest areas. ReForest Now was created by an unabated passion to see large-scale reforestation and regeneration of Australian rainforest ecosystems. Their team of scientists, bush regenerators and nursery people are working with partners and individuals around the world to see immediate and effective restoration of critically endangered rainforest in the region.


The land is home to Australias largest subtropical rainforest called the Big Scrub Rainforest. This was once teaming with life. Now, after agricultural clearing, only 10% of the rainforest remains. With empty farms and new landowners who wish to see forests where they once were. Their vision is to see rainforest on every paddock, to connect remnant rainforest patches, and bring habitat and food species back to the region for the longevity of the flora and fauna species here. The reforested land cannot be destroyed or logged as many of the species being planted are endangered or critically endangered native species.

Achievements & Partners

The Reforest Now nursery is the heart of their operations. Here the 200+ species planted around the region are grown. At the nursery we teach earth restorers how to propagate seeds and how to care for seedlings and young trees. Over 400,000 trees have been planted on site to date.

Volunteer or donate to ReForest Now, Australia

Activities that need your support ​

Tree planting
Erosion control
Habitat creation

Facilities on site

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