Khalifah is located in the Moroccan drylands near Mzouda in the region of Marrakech. The land is in a very degraded state and supports very little vegetation due to environmental erosion and unsustainable land practices. The team is being guided by the land’s needs for regeneration and restoring the power of water in the region, with a vision is to establish a low-cost replicable example of regenerative agriculture/agroforestry capable of settling people back into the region while documenting indigenous knowledge through open collaborations with the locals. Their goal is to restore this land into a thriving ecosystem that future generations can benefit from for years to come.
Achievements & Partners
Since the start of November 2020 Khalifah has worked hard to implement the Zaï technique over two acres, build 20 gabions, build 50 water harvesting catchments following the net and pan technique, create 300m of swales, plant 100 trees and over 2000 agave plants, create a base for a future vegetable garden, and plant Parkinsonia retama Duranta and Atriplex as pioneer species.
Volunteer or donate to Khalifah, Morocco
Activities that need your support
Water retention (soil)
Tree planting
Soil restoration
Food planting
Erosion prevention
Restoration livelihoods
Natural building
Water Retention (pond)