Human Nature Projects is working to meet the challenges facing the forest ecosystem in the Bunyoro Sub region, Kakumiro District of Uganda by working with the local communities on sustainable ecosystem management, climate change adaptation, habitat restoration and biodiversity conservation, livelihoods, emergence and effectiveness of a green economy, among others. The area is under severe threat of encroachment by the community, wildlife migration, continued deforestation, increasing population, unguided agricultural farming activities and illegal wildlife hunting. This section of forest reserve has been given attention by government authorities in the past but – until the start of Human Nature Projects’ efforts in 2021 – there were no visible signs of rehabilitation having taken place. The area has moderate tropical savanna climate that is good for settlement, agriculture, wildlife and other nature to thrive. Ongoing activities aimed at restoring the local ecosystem include baseline surveys, education and training, tree planting, seed collection, identifying community leaders for the projects, local relationship building including with local leaders, government administrations, religious leaders, women and youth leaders.
This ecosystem restoration community’s vision is a world where flora and fauna are treasured and nurtured for their beauty, the life they support and the resources they provide. Their mission is to empower rural and indigenous people to restore and protect tropical ecosystems in Kakumiro District in Western Uganda.They believe that the preservation of biological diversity, ecosystems, and natural places is critically important to the survival of us all—people, plants, and animals alike. In addition to the intrinsic value of nature and wildlife, biological diversity and healthy ecosystems provide humankind with many of the things that sustain our lives, including clean air and water, fertile soil, a stable climate, food, medicines, materials and technologies, and a diversity of genes and species—not to mention recreational opportunities and natural beauty.
To date the camp has restored over 10 hectares in community land around the forest reserve. Around 80,000 trees have been planted including fruit trees like jackfruit, avocado, papaw, guavas, grafted mangoes, citrus fruits, cash crop trees like cashew nuts, coffee, and indigenous trees that are best for agroforestry such as mvule, makamia, giant melia, volkensii, taminalia, mizopsis, prunus africana, griveria robasta and cariandria.
Water retention
Tree planting
Soil restoration
Food planting
Community building
Erosion prevention
Natural building
Fire prevention
Cover cropping
Habitat creation
Restoration livelihoods
Capacity building, education and training
Seed collection
Nursery operations and management
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